26 August 2019
Learn the benefits of seeding in the fall. Fall does what no other season can do. Its warm, sunny days and cool, dewy nights provide ideal conditions for growing new grass and developing your lawn's source of strength, a deep and dense root system. Your most successful lawn seeding time...
12 August 2019
These quick projects can make the difference between so-so and spectacular when it comes to fall grass — and next spring's lawn. Here are some easy yard maintenance things you can do that will make a big difference come spring. Feed Your Lawn The difference between a "so-so" lawn and...
5 August 2019
Sales Tax Holiday Weekend In Mass. Set For August 17-18 BOSTON, JUNE 14, 2019 (State House News Service) – Lawmakers agreed Thursday to implement this year’s sales tax holiday on the weekend of Saturday, Aug. 17 and Sunday, Aug. 18. The House and Senate adopted resolutions calling for suspension of...
23 July 2019
Crabgrass gets its name because it grows low to the ground with stems that radiate out from the center of the grass clump, resembling crab legs. Seeds begin to sprout in mid-spring, as soon as the soil temperature reaches 55 °F, and crabgrass can quickly become a problem during the...
16 July 2019
When painting the exterior of your house and other outdoor features, you have two important characteristics to keep in mind: how well it lasts and how good it looks. is no small investment, so choosing the best paint color for the exterior surfaces of your house means picking colors that...
8 July 2019
Make this mowing season all about enjoying the experience...When you ride on your new Ferris® commercial mower featuring patented suspension technology you'll have more than freshly manicured grass, you'll experience productivity and comfort like never before..And because you won't be slowing down for those rough spots, you'll mow more lawn...
2 July 2019
Massachusetts’ annual sales tax holiday will be held the weekend of Aug. 17-18, 2019. Both the House and the Senate agreed on the date in resolutions passed during sparsely attended informal legislative sessions on Thursday. This is the first year that Massachusetts retailers have been assured that the sales tax...
24 June 2019
This commercial mower features the next generation of independent suspension with a five-year limited suspension warranty. Landscape professionals looking to optimize their productivity, mow faster without sacrificing cut quality and experience a smooth ride have the Ferris® ISX™ 800 from Briggs & Stratton Corporation. The ISX 800 offers the patent-pending...
17 June 2019
Bad Boy Mowers announces it's zero turn mower additions all new to our 2019 lineup! For more information, contact Monnick Supply in Marlborough and Framingham, MA.