What pool test kit do you need?
There are three main ways to test your pool water, each have their advantages:
Liquid test kit (Reagent Color Test Block)
The liquid test kits use a testing container and reagents, which are the liquids that come in the dropper bottles. They tend to be very accurate and test for all the major chemicals. Pool professionals tend to favor this kind of test.
Test Strips
Test strips are easy and fast to use but can be less reliable than liquid test kits since they expire. Test strips are one-use only, so they are a little more expensive than liquid in the long run.
With a Professional
If you are having trouble balancing your pool or are unsure how to treat imbalances in your chemicals, you should bring your water to Monnick Supply (link to contac). This makes it as easy as possible to get the right chemicals since a professional will handle the diagnosis and treatment for you.
How to Use a Liquid Test Kit (Reagant Color Test Block)
- Use the clean, empty testing container included in the kit
- Take the sample away from jets and skimmers
- Dip container upside down until elbow deep, then take the sample
- Add liquid reagents in droplets as suggested on the instructions provided by the kit. Usually the left side (yellow) measures chlorine and the right side (red) measures pH.
- Seal the container and shake. If possible, avoid covering the top with your hands since acids on the surface can affect results.
How to Use Test Strips
- Use a clean, empty cup
- Take the sample in the middle of the pool away from jets and skimmers
- Dip container upside down until elbow deep, then take the sample
How to Provide a Sample to a Pool Professional
- Use a clean, empty water bottle (12 oz - 16 oz)
- Take the sample in the middle of the pool away from jets and skimmers
- Dip container upside down until elbow deep, then take the sample
- Bring the sample into your local pool store
Extra Tips
- Sample deep
- Make sure pool has been running for at least 15 minutes. An hour is ideal.
- Make sure filled to “fill” level on the column for liquid kits
- Mix the solution with a cap if possible, acids from hands can affect results
- Rinse in a sink, not in the pool
- Testing strips should be stored in a cool, dry area
For more information, contact Monnick Supply.